Books about poisoning

A Old delivered book
Language: Common Tongue
Vendor: Conium Darkblade, Gindlin Toxfodder, Toxdil
Coniums Notebook 1
Language: Combine
Vendor: Conium Darkblade
Coniums Notebook 2
Language: Combine
Vendor: Conium Darkblade
Miner MaterĀ“s guide to Mineral Toxology
Language: Dwarvish
Vendor: Myre
Lobal Postugger's Cures for Undeath
Language: Common Tongue
Vendor: Ennixy Frennor
Kaxon's Beauty Tips
Language: Common Tongue
Vendor: Ennixy Frennor
Silent Weapons of the Black Mask
Language: unknown
Vendor: Jerris W'Selo
Secrets of the White Rose
Language: Common Tongue
Vendor: Elona McMahon
Renux's Translation
Language: unknown
Vendor: Pelshia Thuxpire
Expin's Scout Handbook
Language: Common Tongue
Vendor: Anelia Thrywiel
Poisons of the Lost Continent
Language: unknown
Vendor: Nubs Blackgranite
Study of Etheral Suspension
Language: unknown
Vendor: Clara