19.November 2002
Hello all,
Today I have cancelled my account and Kiky has left Norrath.
Thank you all for your many "thank you" tells and the good time
you have given me. I enjoyed it very much but it is time to move on.
This site will not be updated anymore but will remain as long as
Tripod will let it sit here. Very special thanks to my friends on
Morell-Thule especially to Rirek, Thoruk, Bazoom and Trinatie,
all Legions of Valhalla where I have spent my last time and all the
really dear friends too many to name them all.
stay safe and may god bless you all
5.June 2002
As promised books, papers and merchants looks now like all other pages. The last
missing picture has been added on the ingredients page: Scorpico Venom - but that
all is not the main event: Finally it has come even to my ears that the emeraldberry
cyanide (aka Injected IV) poison has been fixed. The name is Smoldering Cyanide
and it was first reported by Barrister.
26.May 2002
It was about time to make a few promises come true =). First part of the upcoming changes
affect the poison and ingredients section. I have reviewed all the information and
worked my way through to provide more accurate information and a printer
friendly style. Books, papers and merchant updates will follow..
25.May 2002
After closely a whole year of nothing really new here we go again. The last
poison is discovered by Tibis Heartseeker. Welcome Horrendous Atrophy alias
Weakening IV.
I am also working on a new, more printer friendly design as well as filling
the gaps on the poison page and possibly including a training paper. I promise
that forever now methinks...
Some news what happened to Kiky in the meantime:
- Kiky has been in Hall of Heroes and in Freeport Tavern for a short time and
hopes to have found a new home at the "Wind of Fates". I already enjoy it
very much there.
- At the moment, I am in level 51 and doing a lot of stupid things like fooling around
with my tradeskills, get my curiosity to kill me once again and so on instead of leveling.
- I was surprised to see around 35000 hits to the page last month. Seems you have been
quite busy. Good. Keep on studying.
- I really enjoyed my bath in the thanks tells of the MT rogues. Made me feel useful
somehow. Thank you all for your support.
- Trading kiss on the cheek for a horse... moment... am a rogue... STAND AND DELIVER! Get off of
that horse and drop all your valuable stuff!
29.May 2001
There are not many news on poisoning. Twisting Disorientation aka. Dizy IV
has been identified by Gnef and Nefar. I made some corrections but no big new
things was coming up. I will frequently update here if something new happens
or I finally release some papers. Papers: If some of my fellow rogues come up
with Hi-Q articles about rogues topics, I will post it in the papers section.
Really ONLY articles with high quality and ONLY rogue topics. Whe have a standard
to keep up. Pictures but not the awful big ones please. You can send them to me
here. It would be nice to have a rogue library
A lot of news:
- The poisonous pages was down for 2 days
becaus Tripod did make some kind of "technical mistake"
- anyway they apologized. Thank you all for your support and your
patience. Nevertheless I will find a backup site in case times
get rough again. Safehouse was all in black that days *chuckle*
- Kiky has changed the guild and is now member of "Bad Faction"
on Morell-Thule. Nothing is wrong with the Order of the White Hand, I simply
wanted to change and feel better now at my new home. That happened
already about 3 weeks ago.
- My guildmate Kazmi teached me Combine and the last two books
"Conium´s Notebook 1 and 2" are on. We may say the
book-section is complete for now. meow.
Dinadaan identified Lower Resist IV as Susceptible Essence.
*cheeer* only two to go.
Crillan Kidneypoker identified Injected V as Inferno Blood. He did it again. meow.
Agra first reported Berserker Madness IV as "Warlords Rage". Compliments
and thank you Agra. Good work. The poison table and ingredients are updated and
also some trivials adjusted. 4 unknown poisons to go.
Crillan Kidneypoker was the first who reported Feeble Mind IV as "Mages Bane"
The receipt is not broken as previously rumored.
Brittle Haste IV was reported first by Calumny of Xegony. *cheer*
Looks like we progress with the unnamed poisons.
The Ivory Poppy/Frosty Dature receipt is reported (by Blit on Safehous Leaboratory)
to be broken. Confirmations?
The Miners book is on now and the lost continent books has got comments.
The Coniums are still missing - could somebody on Morell-Thule PLEASE
learn me Combine that I am able to put the books on the page?
Crillan Kidneypoker of Terris Thule is the first one who made System Shock V
aka. Mind Melt. The ingredients and poison table is updated now. I also
adjusted some names and trivial levels. There is a new reference in the papers section
and the boards have changed again to reflect the close relation to safehouse. Only
the "General" board is kept for feedback reasons. I will also put a safehouse
link on the main page very soon (when I have found the perfect spot here, am just a bit
short of time now).
There is a "Credits and References" page in the papers
section, the ingredients page is updated by some pictures and
information about the newer ingredients and I included the safehouse
boards on the board section (and deleted my rogue board). Methinks Safehouse
is THE rogue board and I rather support than oppose them.
The Calcium Rot Receipt was not correct. fixed.
A lot of details changed (also the banner is now spelled right *blush*).
Especially I would suggest you have a look at the Poisons page (button left).
The spirit of the page has greatly changed but it is still not finished.Everybody who has
not seen the ingredients page with the tiers, pricing and droprate - revisit it (button left) -
that is a must-print-page.
Still not done, anyway:
Welcome all! *cheeeeeer*
Each board will as soon be placed in a pop-up window as I know how to do that.
If you have hints: please place them on the general board.
The page is now closely finished. Boards are working, the
ingredients page is a research dream now. The only things left
are a rewrite of the additional poison page and that 3 books that
are not translated till now. Papers are optional at the start.
Prepare for official launch on monday.
to all early visitors
There is really a lot of work left. I have to collect some ingredient pictures,
translate "Coniums Notebooks" and the "Miners Guid to Toxology" as well as link all
that information, complete pages and so on. Please be patient - I will work as
fast as possible. If somebody wants to help me: please show Kiky the ingredients, learn
me Combine or Dwarven language or in case of wrong information post it on one
of the boards please.
Big thanks to all members of the "Order of the White Hand"!
Guys, you helped me a lot. Very special thanks to Rirek, master of personal
trade who, was never tired to support me.
Yours, truly
Kiky Aramagoo (Morell-Thule)
Added a lot of contents and changed the designs several times.
The page is online.
22.Dec.2000 |
Discovered the Etheral Poison book in Safehouse. Quip Quarrel had it already
in his "Unofficial Tome of Mastering Poisons".